Birth Mother Stories



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came to us when she was 7 months pregnant. She and her husband did not have stable living arrangements and were dealing with addiction issues. 

There concerns were:

  • Not to be judged
  • To not worry that their situation will be treated with confidentiality 
  • To make sure the child does not go in the system
  • They wanted to make sure they choose pre-approved family who will love their child and will provide lots of opportunities

They texted KidsFirst at 317-518-3032 and arranged a call. After talking on the phone, we net them at the place convenient for them and brought with us books of fully pre-approved families. They chose a family. A meeting was scheduled. Jennifer and her husband wanted chosen family to come to their doctor’s appointments and wanted them to be in the delivery room. They hoped that their baby goes in a separate room with adoptive parents and they take over. Jennifer wanted to see the baby but preferred not interaction to make is easier for herself. Her husband joe wanted to spend a couple hours with the baby and he joined adoptive parents in their room. 

After the baby was born, DCS was involved by the hospital staff because of drug exposure. Since Jennifer and Joe had an adoption plan, our agency provided approved home study of adoptive parents to DCS worker and that stopped their involvement. 

Baby went with adoptive parents. Jennifer and Joe chose semi-open adoption with updates and pictures from adoptive parents through the agency. They wanted to have one face to face meeting during the first year. All of that was honored

We are happy to share Jennifer and Joe were able to receive help regarding their addiction issues and were able to use $4000 support money which is allocated by the state of Indiana to rent a place. They found a job and so much more stable now. Most of all, they sleep well because they know their daughter is doing very well, she is loved and cared for, and thriving in a very solid family who is forever grateful to Jennifer and Joe for their trust and incredible le opportunity to be parents they provided to them.